Monday, August 20, 2012

Writing Services for Modifying Child Support Order

Today I spent half the day drafting a hardship letter for Mr X to be sent to the Family Support Division in Missouri. I am very happy with my efforts. Anyone reading that hardship letter would cry and 99% grant a decrease in Mr X's child support obligations. It was a difficult letter to write because I had to get all the facts right, and attached relevant evidence of his extreme hardship - 5 appendices including court transcripts and the works!

I also spent two hours transcribing about 5 minutes of audio. Since I am paid about 75 cents per audio minute, that worked out to be $4, or $2 per hour haha.

The best news of the day is that Google Adsense reported $8.38 worth of clicks on my blogs today. One click on my graciecooks blog was worth over $4. I suspect it was Doug. Thanks Doug!

xo Gracie 

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